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Lyrics here:
It is difficult to talk to you E’ difficile parlarti
And to explain to you poi ancora di piu’ spiegarti
About these feelings di questi sentimenti
My numerous events I miei numerosi eventi
My story does not matter La mia storia non ha piu’
Anymore alcuna importanza
Everything around me is breathing Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours e si mescola di colore
and light e di luce
Everything around you is breathing Tutto intorno a te respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours e si mescola di colore
and light e di luce
What did we ever think we understood Che cosa abbiamo mai creduto
About living? Di capire del vissuto
Its nuances were always there Le sfumature erano sempre li
For us to see them perche’ le vedessimo
Everything around me is breathing Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours e si mescola di colore
and light e di luce
Everything around me is breathing Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours e si mescola di colore
and light e di luce
My story does not matter La mia storia non ha piu’
Anymore alcuna importanza
The body is only a structure Il corpo solo una strutture
To protect the soul per proteggere l’ anima
At the end you can even I dolori sono poi
Stand the pains sopportabili oramai
… with colours and light ..di colore e di luce
Nice work, very nice music. Unfortunately i cant understand the lyrics but your voice is excellent.
thanks. got so many more songs since you visited last time! speak soon
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