going from a massage chair for my back problems
to chiropractor and masseuse sessions
camping equipment: sleeping bag...trekking shoes...cutlery, lamps etc etc all the equiment for a total of circa 3,500 dkk ( 460 euros!!!550 dollars...)
I am in fact going to a trekking expedition in South Sweden in 2 weeks time and I am very excited about that but did not have most of the gear!!!!
But the weather is getting colder and rainier here in Copenhagen so I will soon have to:
fix my pink rain boots, that have some open sides, but since I AM A TREEHUGGER I will not throw them away but recycle and fix!yes!

I have to buy a pink warm hat that goes well with the boots, I will probably find one in a flea market, I actually saw one last Sunday but after 2mins it was sold....damn!
This one is quite sweet though!
And then I have to put myself together and get a new camera, my old one consumes batteries like crazy and switches on once every 4 times that I try...it is getting annoying and I am missing a lot of nice shots.

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