Last week end I spent 3 days in the beautiful village of Vittsjo in Central Sweden. Canoeing for the first time was awesome as soon as we found out on which side to sit...mushrooms everywhere, morning yoga by the lake PRICELESS! I loved the morning fog,coming from the lake, something I did not expect and that was really fairy-talish
Many hous were spent just gazing at the fire on the lake beach. The starred sky was our roof and the lake's silence was solemn.
I already miss that place and will be sure to go back for spring!
Frugal eating dinner just sitting on dry leaves, with the dim light of a handful of torches and the darkness of the forest around you, is something that touches me intimately.
Il week end scorso passato nel centro Svezia, nel paese di Vittsjo 'e stato meraviglioso.La birra meno dato che aveva grado max 3.5 a causa di politiche Svedesi contro la dipendenza. Celi stellati, notti silenziose, giri in canoe e meditazioni davanti ad un fuoco acceso. Non vedo l' ora di ritornarci!!!
One of my favourite bands ever is the English band Muse. I follow Muse since more or less the year 2000 and I saw them in concert in 2001( or 2000?)in Nice. That was an incredible concert: live they rock( and they are only 3 but they sound like 10) and Matthew the frontman has an incredible powerful voice, exactly the same of the cds…no effects applied there!no need to! Well I have to say that normally no matter how crazy I am about some musician´s music and art I am instead not very interested in their private lives. It happens that I stumble on news about the private lives of the musicians that I love the most ( that are at the end of all a very small handful!)and when that happens I can´t stop…I continue to read for hours, catching up the years that I didn´t read anything about them…until when I feel like I am doing something wrong, I have breached their privacy.
I have to say that normally I feel very connected to the musicians that I love deeply, their music has accompanied years of my life and normally those whose music I love the most, are those that my soul actually recognizes as being sincere. Those that write for real what they feel, those that show to the public the states of their inner being,that open up, showing their despair, their love, their hate,their true feelings.And their dark, because we all have that dark part….
That´s why I always felt connected to those…because in life,with your friends or people that you are connected with, How many people sincerely open their hearts to you? Show you the misery lying inside? Speak to you about glory,fights,victory and defeat? Have great ideals and great goals to fight for? Show you their passion and their failures painted in something beautiful like music?
This is exactly what a good musician do, and that is exactly what makes me love them like brothers and sisters.
So last Sunday Muse played in an Italian TV show, and this video quickly travelled around the whole world because of the ignorance of the tv presenter ( I am Italian and I never really liked her) who not only couldn´t tell the drummer from the frontman, but also poorly interviewed them by comparing Matt´s house on the lake of Como with George Clooney´s…. In any case I found out the same day that Matthew lives on the lake of Como, and my thoughts went to the fact that during the last year I went to Como 2 times to meet famous musicians for a possible production of my album. In those times they told me that a lot of famous musicians were living in that area and who knew that only a few kms separated me from Matthew Bellamy! A few kms separated me from the genius,creator of sublime lyrics that are stuck in my mind such as “ sing for absolution! I will be singing! Falling from your grace! “ “our time is running out” “ you could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions, you could be the one I´ll always love” and now also “ They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victorious”.
My life is really ironic sometimes and I mean it seriously!
Da sempre una delle mie band preferita i Muse saranno in concerto il 26 ottobre a Copenhagen e io ci saro'!!!Ho scoperto solo la settimana scorsa che il cantante Matthew abita da qualche anno sul lago di Como e la mia mente 'e andata a tutte le volte che sono stata a Como nell' ultimo anno per incontri di musica...pensare che il genio che ha scritto alcune delle canzoni che mi hanno piu' emozionato e segnato era li a pochi km mi ha fatto davvero un effetto super strano. E ho pensato che la vita 'e spesso ironica.Almeno la mia.
I am having big problems with my camera,somehow i cannot even find the latest pictures done, the memory stick has been damaged, I can see the pictures on the camera screen but I cannot download them...very sad!
Beginning of August, cold rainy evening in Copenhagen, I am waiting in a club to do a jam session with a friend musician when I see entering this guy, dressed in black, looking spacey and i recognize him as being Pete Doherty, totally incognito! He sat at a table alone, sipped a couple of beers for one hour and then left. he tried to call a cab but was standing in the middle of the street, totally out there....then he started to walk away,zig-zagging... Really a strange view.
Sto avendo problemi con la mia macchina fotografica, non solo non funziona piu' ma anche la scheda di memoria si 'e danneggiata. Una sera di agosto aspettavo di suonare in un locale qui a Copenhagen e Pete Doherty 'e entrato in incognito nessuno che lo abbia riconosciuto!
This month I had crazy expenses.... going from a massage chair for my back problems to chiropractor and masseuse sessions camping equipment: sleeping bag...trekking shoes...cutlery, lamps etc etc all the equiment for a total of circa 3,500 dkk ( 460 euros!!!550 dollars...) I am in fact going to a trekking expedition in South Sweden in 2 weeks time and I am very excited about that but did not have most of the gear!!!!
But the weather is getting colder and rainier here in Copenhagen so I will soon have to:
fix my pink rain boots, that have some open sides, but since I AM A TREEHUGGER I will not throw them away but recycle and fix!yes! I have to buy a pink warm hat that goes well with the boots, I will probably find one in a flea market, I actually saw one last Sunday but after 2mins it was sold....damn!
This one is quite sweet though!
And then I have to put myself together and get a new camera, my old one consumes batteries like crazy and switches on once every 4 times that I is getting annoying and I am missing a lot of nice shots.