Friday, December 25, 2009
My Xmas present for you
on this special day for many I have a present for you all, something that I found today...
1,000 reasons to celebrate and be happy!
Taken from this blog
Things like:
# #647 When batteries are included ( and no hassle of searching for batteries)
# #644 When company events are scheduled on company time ( YES!!!!)
# #641 Kicking those clumps of frozen slush off the back of your car’s mudflap ( AH I feel like a kid playing i love that)
# #640 Whipping down the hill really fast after pedaling hard all the way up ( a kid again)
# #635 When the hiccups stop
# #633 Finding something you lost a long time ago after you already gave up looking for it ( a very nice surprise!)
# #631 Coming back to your own bed after a long trip ( and thinking it is the best place on earth!)
# #629 When it feels like the lyrics to the song you’re listening to were written just for you
# #628 Peeling your socks off under the sheets ( oh yes, i love that too)
# #623 The sound of snow crunching under your boots (and so I make a lot of small and short steps to enjoy that more)
# #620 Singing in the car on the way home from the concert ( and so basically you feel like you are still at the concert! this is especially great if the people on the car with you are as fans as you are)
# #615 When your friend makes sure you got into the house safe after dropping you off at the end of the night ( and you have to send them a text message to confirm!)
# #614 When you tune the radio station perfectly so there’s absolutely no static
MERRY DAY to you all, be you Christian or any other religion, or NON-religion.
Vi faccio un regalo di Natale, sia che siate credenti o non credenti, religiosi o non: di spedirvi il link per 1,000 cose di cui gioire sempre.
alcune delle cose in cui mi riconosco:
Il suono della neve che scricchiola mentre si cammina( cosi cammino a passi piccoli per sentirla piĆ¹ spesso)
Quando trovi il canale radio che si sente perfettamente.
Quando dopo una serata fuori, gli amici ti riaccompagnano davanti alla porta di casa per essere sicuri che rientri senza problemi( e poi ti mandano un sms per confermare)
Un abbraccio e auguri a tutti
Monday, December 21, 2009
Katy Perry - Hot and Cold (Cover)
These guys from Ukraina gifted me with a huge smile today.
I love their version of Katy Perry!
Questi ragazzi dell' Ucraina mi hanno fatto sorridere e ridere un sacco,la loro versione della canzone di Katy Perry meritava veramente di menzionarla sul blog.
Un bacio a tutti!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Time for changes again
Thanks to the author of this picture: Davide del Giudice.
Now it is that time of year were I need changes inside and outside.
I have this feeling that it is happening all over the world, and that there are needs of improvement.
I am in the middle of a demonstration for the Climate conference in Copenhagen, I can hear it from my chair. I feel the resoluteness of the young people like me who are fighting for what they believe is right.
The world is not yet at peace, the world is still governed by greed and desire of power only. Not for the good of people.Not for us!
In any case I was deeply moved last Saturday, when I saw all these pictures of people all over the world sympathising with our Italian politics situation.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
SellaBand Video
I have opened a profile to, please go to and click on FUND THIS ARTIST, you will buy a part of my cd, earn 25% of the revenue and HELP me publish my album.
Please ask me more for information.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Last concert, l' ultimo concerto

Some pictures of me performing at Cafe retro in Copenhagen a few weeks ago.
We organized a party for the Italians living in Copenhagen and I was asked to play.
I enjoyed it very much. Here is me and Mario.

Qualche settimana fa abbiamo organizzato una festa per gli italiani che abitano a Copenhagen, al caff'e retro. Mi hanno chiesto di suonare e mi sono molto divertita, ecco alcune foto.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Neuro, an art exhibition I really enjoyed
I think there are so many interesting signs and stories behing the concept of these series of paintings. I spoke with the guy during the art exhibition and I got them all right.
A sensitive person and artist in this case can feel certain things that are just beneath the layer of reality as we see it.
Some hints for you: cockroaches were a symbol of re-birth for the ancient Egyptians
These characters look the same, standing up inside a coackroach, eyes closed, masks on their face, on one hand a staff on the other a rounded object.
Closed eyes maybe because the person still has to wake up or on the other way has been put to sleep, or does not dare to open the eyes.
Or another explanation that I had was that the eyes could have revealed too much of what those characters are and so the painter did not want to show that too much. The eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul, and maybe in these characters do not have a soul.
The eyes repeated again and again can remind once again of Egyptian eyes, framed inside triangles, but also of the massonic symbol of control.
I liked the concept of suits and masks that have to do with the christian church, the symbol of the cross is everywhere and at the same time the character dressed in white really seems like a POPE,the dress looks similar to the one of a pope, who by the way also holds a STAFF and you can see what I am talking about in this picture, doesn't it look like a disturbing image of the PONTIFF?That was immediately my impression. And the author confirmed I was kind of right!
N.E.U.R.O. has a blog:
GO watch more of his works.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Playing at my friend birthday party

I learnt how to say #beer# and #cheers# in Polish!!!
Had a few shots of delicious vodka and then performed live in a very nice atmosphere at the University collegium Bar in Copenhagen South!
We met a guy who has a band of reggae called # The Munchies# in portuguese...he makes songs half in Danish and half in Portuguese!

Ho suonato al compleanno di una mia amica nel bar dello studentato nel sud di Copenhagen. Qualche vodka, ho imparato a dire #birra# e #cin cin# in polacco e poi abbiamo suonato in una bella atmosfera, quelle sopra le foto!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Swedish lakes up, non-alcoholic beer not so up....

Last week end I spent 3 days in the beautiful village of Vittsjo in Central Sweden.
Canoeing for the first time was awesome as soon as we found out on which side to sit...mushrooms everywhere, morning yoga by the lake PRICELESS!
I loved the morning fog,coming from the lake, something I did not expect and that was really fairy-talish

Many hous were spent just gazing at the fire on the lake beach. The starred sky was our roof and the lake's silence was solemn.
I already miss that place and will be sure to go back for spring!

Frugal eating dinner just sitting on dry leaves, with the dim light of a handful of torches and the darkness of the forest around you, is something that touches me intimately.
Il week end scorso passato nel centro Svezia, nel paese di Vittsjo 'e stato meraviglioso.La birra meno dato che aveva grado max 3.5 a causa di politiche Svedesi contro la dipendenza. Celi stellati, notti silenziose, giri in canoe e meditazioni davanti ad un fuoco acceso. Non vedo l' ora di ritornarci!!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
26 October Concert Muse in Copenhagen
Well I have to say that normally no matter how crazy I am about some musician´s music and art I am instead not very interested in their private lives. It happens that I stumble on news about the private lives of the musicians that I love the most ( that are at the end of all a very small handful!)and when that happens I can´t stop…I continue to read for hours, catching up the years that I didn´t read anything about them…until when I feel like I am doing something wrong, I have breached their privacy.
I have to say that normally I feel very connected to the musicians that I love deeply, their music has accompanied years of my life and normally those whose music I love the most, are those that my soul actually recognizes as being sincere.
Those that write for real what they feel, those that show to the public the states of their inner being,that open up, showing their despair, their love, their hate,their true feelings.And their dark, because we all have that dark part….
That´s why I always felt connected to those…because in life,with your friends or people that you are connected with,
How many people sincerely open their hearts to you? Show you the misery lying inside?
Speak to you about glory,fights,victory and defeat? Have great ideals and great goals to fight for?
Show you their passion and their failures painted in something beautiful like music?
This is exactly what a good musician do, and that is exactly what makes me love them like brothers and sisters.
So last Sunday Muse played in an Italian TV show, and this video quickly travelled around the whole world because of the ignorance of the tv presenter ( I am Italian and I never really liked her) who not only couldn´t tell the drummer from the frontman, but also poorly interviewed them by comparing Matt´s house on the lake of Como with George Clooney´s….
In any case I found out the same day that Matthew lives on the lake of Como, and my thoughts went to the fact that during the last year I went to Como 2 times to meet famous musicians for a possible production of my album.
In those times they told me that a lot of famous musicians were living in that area and who knew that only a few kms separated me from Matthew Bellamy!
A few kms separated me from the genius,creator of sublime lyrics that are stuck in my mind such as “ sing for absolution! I will be singing! Falling from your grace! “ “our time is running out” “ you could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions, you could be the one I´ll always love” and now also “ They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us,
We will be victorious”.
My life is really ironic sometimes and I mean it seriously!
Da sempre una delle mie band preferita i Muse saranno in concerto il 26 ottobre a Copenhagen e io ci saro'!!!Ho scoperto solo la settimana scorsa che il cantante Matthew abita da qualche anno sul lago di Como e la mia mente 'e andata a tutte le volte che sono stata a Como nell' ultimo anno per incontri di musica...pensare che il genio che ha scritto alcune delle canzoni che mi hanno piu' emozionato e segnato era li a pochi km mi ha fatto davvero un effetto super strano. E ho pensato che la vita 'e spesso ironica.Almeno la mia.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Encounters in Copenhagen

I am having big problems with my camera,somehow i cannot even find the latest pictures done, the memory stick has been damaged, I can see the pictures on the camera screen but I cannot download them...very sad!
Beginning of August, cold rainy evening in Copenhagen, I am waiting in a club to do a jam session with a friend musician when I see entering this guy, dressed in black, looking spacey and i recognize him as being Pete Doherty, totally incognito! He sat at a table alone, sipped a couple of beers for one hour and then left.
he tried to call a cab but was standing in the middle of the street, totally out there....then he started to walk away,zig-zagging...
Really a strange view.
Sto avendo problemi con la mia macchina fotografica, non solo non funziona piu' ma anche la scheda di memoria si 'e danneggiata. Una sera di agosto aspettavo di suonare in un locale qui a Copenhagen e Pete Doherty 'e entrato in incognito nessuno che lo abbia riconosciuto!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thinks to do and buy in the next month
going from a massage chair for my back problems
to chiropractor and masseuse sessions
camping equipment: sleeping bag...trekking shoes...cutlery, lamps etc etc all the equiment for a total of circa 3,500 dkk ( 460 euros!!!550 dollars...)
I am in fact going to a trekking expedition in South Sweden in 2 weeks time and I am very excited about that but did not have most of the gear!!!!
But the weather is getting colder and rainier here in Copenhagen so I will soon have to:
fix my pink rain boots, that have some open sides, but since I AM A TREEHUGGER I will not throw them away but recycle and fix!yes!

I have to buy a pink warm hat that goes well with the boots, I will probably find one in a flea market, I actually saw one last Sunday but after 2mins it was sold....damn!
This one is quite sweet though!
And then I have to put myself together and get a new camera, my old one consumes batteries like crazy and switches on once every 4 times that I is getting annoying and I am missing a lot of nice shots.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ideas to pick up from, for my house
I absolutely love these ideas of art and new objects created out of trash.
We are planning to buy a house soon and some of these ideas will definitely be #recycled# by me!!!
Plants inside vintage and not working electronic appliances by artist Louis Fox:

Collage-on the wall made of old books!!!( by artist Wendy Kawata)

Painting by scraps of leaflets and advertisements( normally I have lots of these...) by artist Brian Chippendale:

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Inspiration, always!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fashion Inspiration

I like to create clothes, when I can.
I stubled on this original,(very original) fashion designer from Foggia Italy

very funky!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
If I could understand Hebreu: the beauty of these songs!
last week I spent a lot of time attending the events around the Copenhagen World Outgames: there were so many things going on: fashion shows, concerts, sporting competitions and the Pride Parade on Saturday which was very fun to watch and an extremely friendly atmosphere.
Last Wednesday as well, we had the pleasure to attend the concert by famous musician Ivri Lider and I got crazy at the beauty of the Hebreu language: so musical! It sounds like the wind dancing between the sandy dunes of the desert: that is the feeling that I had when I heard it.
Even the songs in English were nice, although I preferred the Hebreu ones.
Here is a video of Ivri Lider.Talking about " love with difficulties" as he defined it when he introduced the song at the concert.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Uomo dello spazio, original song
The latest video
I love this song!!! It means Spaceman
Text in Italian
Guardo le stelle da generazioni
il sole illumina altri soli
ci penso ogni giorno con la musica
ma non e' di questo mondo, non 'e fisica
chi ci ha creato, chi ci guarda da lassu?
Uomo dello spazio,
la tua mente ha onde diverse
l'ignoranza porta timore
qui non tutti sono pronti
uomo dello spazio
il mio messaggio radio
porta pace ma non credere
qui non tutti sono pronti
ad incontrare te
Ti sei mai sentito che non sei esistito?
O le tue parole, non hanno alcun valore
cosa restera' di noi, in fondo
ma perche' il sole splende, se il mondo sta piangendo?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
In the forest: Foresta Umbra

During my summer holiday 2 weeks ago, I visited so many nice landscapes and wild places in the region where my dad is from: Puglia. Puglia is the what we call the heel of the Italian boot. My dad is wrong the zone of Gargano, which has an incredible lake,with a thin layer of land ( 1 km) that separates it from clean seas and huge beaches.Gargano has as well a big national park called # Foresta Umbra# with deers,wild boars and other animals.
I was there and the trees were incredibly huge.Very special, the atmosphere was somehow magical, very silent. The smell of the underwood was musky and it even smelled of raspberries! ( big bushes of raspberries where near us, although the fruits still had to come out).

Here are some images.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
DO you need to buy new things?
this incredible woman decided to investigate on the chain of production-consumption that we all live every day.
Please learn to be aware of what this means for our planet.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
La belle verte The green beautiful
I was crying in several parts of this movie.It feels strange to say it but it is been several months that I start to have more and more the urge to abandon all material things, to keep only a handful of absolutely necessary things. To only spend my time in the nature and meditating.To consume less, eat less.
I also have the feeling, which is growing more and more, that all this society we live in, is wrong. That I was once living in a different way, that I was walking barefeet all the time,that I would communicate with plants.
That I would wake up to a rising sun and fall asleep in a field with a roof of stars.
That I would not fear anything because there would be nothing to fear.
That the future would only bring joy and yet the future would not matter because time would not have a beginning or an end.
That I would look from the top of a mountain and only see green and natural landscapes for as far as my eyes could see.
That I would never feel alone even when there was no one at sight.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Rachel Maddow: Indefinite detention? Shame on you... President Obama
THIS SCARED ME TODAY...not a good sign.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I am still on holiday in Italy,my mother country. The first thing that always strike me when I arrive is getting back to my old things, my old room and my old friends!
It gives me first a sense of sadness, of things that pass and change and times that do not come back.
But this time I actually decided to clean my room of all those old things,that are really not necessary. Because lingering with the things of the past take away time and energy to live the present.
The past is gone and the present is here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I have to share the link to this angelic music and tell you the story behind it.
last week I went to Prague for a few days of holiday.The two weeks before that I had a melody in my head that I knew was somehow related to Prague and that I had heard at school when I was 12.
Then last Wednesday my plane ( no...not Easyjet but Czech Airlines) landed in Prague and the speakers of the plane suddenly started to play this!!!!!What a coincidence!!!
I immediately went to ask the flight attendant for the name of the composer.
I have real shivers when I listen to this,this music really transports me back in time and I have the feeling that I am seeing what Smetana was seeing when composing this. It is truely like living it!It almost feels like a drug.
The emotions linked to this melody are wonderful.
Please experience this with me and share this beauty around.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Real luxury!
Things to do
things to own
conversations on things to have and buy
I have had the feeling recently that things own us and I have actually started to draw a picture with axactly that meaning.
We fill our lives to become SATURATED of things.
Somehow I have realised in the last few years that things do not really make me happy, on the contrary all these things in my life almost make me feel suffocated.
The only luxury that you can grant yourself is TIME.
This society asks us to fill our lives with things to do and see and own and buy.
TIME to think, do nothing,just lay around has become extremely rare. Very precious.
Time is the real luxury.
Time to do nothing at all.
Time to just live and experience that you are living.
Take your time, you can decide to have all the free time that you want.
You just have to stop and look at time.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Never Easyjet again
And Easyjet didn't refund me a cent.
And I had bought their Travel Insurance which was supposed to cover me....
I said #supposed#
in fact found out that it is
valid only for
UK Residents.
Here is the song I made and video for Easyjet:
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In search for enlightment
I have taken a pause with music and I am focusing on other things.Immaterial things like music and spiritual things, just like music is for me. I don't think there is much material on music excepts of course the notes written on musicsheet. Music makes me feel higher in some sort of other state.
I am watching documentaries in this period about enlightment,meditation and other techniques.
I found this video very interesting so i decided to share it.Here.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Have you been sent this image?
According to the explanations on the net, the ballerina is turning clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time. Many people can see her going in both directions. If you see her turning clockwise you use more your right brain emisphere, if you see her turning anti-clockwise you use more your left emisphere.
The right emisphere controls creativity imagination,capacity to see the big picture, relationship present-future.
the left emisphere controls logic, attention for details and relationship present past.
I tried so many times to concentrate to see her turning anti-clockwise I just can't! I keep seeing her going CLOCKWISE.
Then I found this website:
Where there are three images: the ballerina turning clockwise, as I see her all the times.
The Ballerina turning normally ( thereafter anyone see her in a different way, I still see her clockwise)
and the ballerina turning anti-clockwise, thus anyone will see her ANTI-CLOCKWISE
Well the funny thing is that even in this ANTI-CLOCKWISE one, I can see her turning CLOCKWISE If I want. If I DON'T concentrate I see her going ANTI-CLOCKWISE but If I concentrate on WANTING to see her going CLOCKWISE then she inverts the directions and goes CLOCKWISE!!!
Then I also noticed that if I look at the original image, the one that I normally see only going CLOCKWISE, but I actually don't watch it carefully, but I look somewhere else in the screen, the rest of the page and I basically see th ballerina only with the very left side of the left eye, so out of focus, perceiving only the movement and not seeing clearly the body of the ballerina,
then only then when the focus of the eyes is somewhere else on the webpage and I see the movement only with the extreme left side of the left eye
then only then I see the ballerina going ANTI-CLOCKWISE
so I use the logical part of my brain only when I get out of focus, when I kind of #don't mind it# # don't give importance to it#!
Isn't it fascinating? Maybe it will give me insight on how my mind works in everyday events and things.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Ten days and no post, needed time to think

Many times you do,
you get into a frantic rhythm of things to do, books to read, friends to meet. You are a slave to your own life and habits. You cannot stop and see the big picture. You cannot stop and realize where you are going to. What is that you are really trying to achieve and what is important for you NOW, today in this moment.
Maybe you try too hard to reach something and you miss the flavour, the joy of the process of getting there, the process that you go through every day. And then when you reach that goal, you are not happy. And you realize that what you really wanted was the PROCESS of getting there, the research, the launch into that direction, the every day work for getting that. The present always but not the future.
Last week I was in the blues, I was demotivated for creativity,demotivated for music, demotivated for anything.So I stopped. I stopped for a few days to search what I really want. What is making me happy and if it wasn´t there I would not be me, I would not be complete and I would not be happy.
And I read a lot, about the sky, quantum physics and mystery.
When I was a kid I wanted to become an explorer.An adventurer, a female Indiana Jones.
I found out that I still do!!!
I am still that adventurer!
That explorer!
And by the way my last name "Di Nauta" , comes from Latin and it means something like
coming from the sea
Funny isn´t it?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Minimalism and Philip Glass
Philip Glass was a musician of the 20th century that created the musical style of MINIMALISM.

According to wikipedia, minimalism is: an originally American genre of experimental or Downtown music named in the 1960s based mostly in consonant harmony, steady pulse (if not immobile drones), stasis and slow transformation, and often reiteration of musical phrases or smaller units such as figures, motifs, and cells. Starting in the early 1960s as a scruffy underground scene in San Francisco alternative spaces and New York lofts, minimalism spread to become the most popular experimental music style of the late 20th century.
I was somehow honoured to have created a song that sounded similar to what this guy created! and now I know something more
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ghosts or surprises in the closet?

How many things you forgot you own?
Yesterday I was making order in my closet,that is always a big mess and I got some surprises! In fact I found a few items that I had forgotten to own, or forgot where they were.
Item number 1:
a brown leather bag,very 70´s that I got for present 1 year ago for my birthday.When I got it I was not so crazy about it so I decided to stuff it in the closet for a “possible future use” but now I see a charming look to it, so I guess I am going to use it soon.
Item number 2: a black leather belt, quite short but of good quality and it will go well with my new trousers,that are a little bit too large in the waist.
Item number 3: a golden plastic glittering belt( kind of for kids)that looks quite naĆÆve and kitsch at the same time and will revive some of my more serious vintage dresses.
Item number 4: a pair of black trousers, that I couldn´t find for the past 6months, they are perfect for the winter and the wear is smooth and comfortable, so I will use them quite often!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
It takes time to watch them all (5 videos of 9mins each)thus I will summarize his points before posting the link:
1: The universe does not have space-time, space and time have been created to let our evolution proceed, though the illusion of space and time
2: the True self lies beyond space and time, so to say: our cells change all the time, are you the same you were when you were 10 or 12 years old?How come you think you are but in reality your mind has changed and your body has changed?
3:Individuality does not exist, we all are part of the nature, we are nature, we are just ONE whole thing.
4: When people tell you that " that's the way I am that's how I do it" that's basically bullshit bc we change all the time.
5: We have been told that each of us is different and that we are truly ourselves, but indeed no-one knows what that really means, no-one can explain.
6: If we reverse this process and we realize that we are all one thing, things could change. For centuries people have been doing wars and argue for preserving themselves. But if there is no "themselves" but only US all together, then there is no need for wars. Then we can all evolve together.
7: An adult man has such does not exist.We are still evolving like a foetus in the womb, we are at the latest stage, the stage where the liquid inside the womb is getting toxic and we need to be expelled out of the womb, to be the REAL SELF. To be born for real.
8: With our mind, with our will combined with the power of words we can make things happen. We can re-program the reality to make things happen.
This is the link
Saturday, February 14, 2009
THE WORLD NEEDS MORE LOVE, don't give it all for granted, then you will become happier
I have to say that it gives much food for thought and I totally share the ideas. We are so much into the things built by our society that we do not realize how great they are.We have all,1000 types of gadgets, objects to fulfill any possible necessity yet we are never happy.
And us, in the western world,we have all that we really need:
we have food,we have a shelter
and if we work on it we have love. And these main three things are all that we need.Can't we just realise it? And relax? and use our type to make the rest of the world, the poor countries have the same three necessary things:
food, shelter and love ?
We should do this. It should be law, it should be advertized everywhere.It should be as a message in cartoons. On the packages of food.
yet it is not.
I have made a video called:
youtube needs more love
The conversation on ipower was related to this video:
Monday, February 9, 2009
Earrings from recycled surprises!

I made this pair of earrings last Saturday,I keep accumulating things,and everytime I think that I want to keep it because one day I will do something creative with the meanwhile is filled with junk or "potential treasures...." as I want to optimistically call them :-)
At least i found some time and I really like these earrings! Made from surprises of chocolate eggs.It was a dog and a lion, with the head of the lion I plan on doing a brooch,will soon do it and post a picture!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A different meaning for the same word: FRIENDSHIP
So to say, all can be seen from different perspectives so If I think a friend did not behave as a friend should, but this person thinks he/she did behave like a friend at all times, how can conflicts be solved?
I am in a situation for which,I am trying to get into someone´s else perspective, that this person actually did not behave wrongly and hurt me but how can the logic make the heart change its mind?
And should I follow my normal instincts of following the heart or instead try to solve the situation in the logical and more practical way? Even if this means,getting into compromises with my own principles?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Me, the ex-blonde princess!!!

Yesterday morning I received a lovely email from a seller on ebay. We had sent each other a couple of emails because I bought a vintage jacket( one of my soft spots...vintage clothing...ooopssss) and in my signature there were my websites, youtube, myspace and sellaband.
So the seller replies back,Anastasia is her name telling me that she checked my website and then she starts writing so many things things that really made me feel well.
She said my music touched her heart and that she had no words to express what she was feeling then. she wrote that she agreed with my vision of life and that she found my videos amazing!
I have to tell you,t with so many people on youtube that only watch superficially or never bother to get to read your profile and really understand who you are, it was a very nice surprise to know of someone that,by accident saw my youtube page and decided to take the time to give me compliments and to read more deeply about me!!!
best wishes for the future to you Anastasia!
ps: the photo is me near a castle in Valle D'Aosta,Italy....the way I lived the experience at least!!!! In my own world!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Today's emotion and delirium!
It was emotional and almost made me cry, to see, these troup and doctors following the family who is being laughed at by the people of their village, who totally treat them as outsiders and make fun of them.The science has daughters and sonn't yet understood how it can be that mother and father can walk properly but the 4 daughters and son ( who must be around 30 years old)can't.
At the end the documentary was showing, how thanks to the assistance of doctors and rehabilitating therapies, the 4 people can now stand up and walk almost like any other adult in the world. It was touching to see them suffering and then to see their happiness and pride where they were making their first steps!!!!
By the way the video I was putting on youtube while watching this video does not talk about them. It talks about one of my favourite TV series "LOST" and it is my first attemps to use green key-chromer( I bought the green textile a few days ago!) and I suggest you go and check out! I am on the Lost island!
here it is!
Monday, January 19, 2009
How will 2009 be?
I, in fact worked full-time for an American company headquartered in Montecarlo from November 2006 until May 2007 and although I think it is better to avoid mentioning the name on the Internet, this company who organizes top-level congresses all over the world, exploits its employees and literally brainwashes them with psychological pressures. The director(and owner),his wife and the office manager who is their best friends, are real psychos, so stereotyped that it seems like they are coming directly out of some weird movie. One of those where people get tortured or killed and there is no real explanation for that.And the tortured have no humanity.
By the way, sometimes I stumble on the blog of the director of this company( yes because in his self-centered idea that he can “make it (all)happen” he pollutes the web with his wise advices on how to work your butt off and be a slave to work in order to have power and money. And his young disciples believe that.
So,weird but true, I believe that the rest of 2007 was somehow spoilt because I still had all these horrible memories of that place. I am not sure how I got stuck there for 6 long months, it was mostly for necessity but It took me another 4months to clean my soul from the toxins of that place.
How infective that can be.
Now I know, that one should avoid certain situations, you cannot really live with it, it will penetrate you and mark you, even if you block it, it will still affect you.
My 2008 was very good, actually totally the opposite of 2007.Could it be that after the rain there is always the rainbow? It was for me, and the rainbow shined so brightly that it actually managed to make me see 2007 as a way to understand myself better and to overcome a similar situation in the future.
The brightness of 2008, I could feel was so strong that I knew it would continue during 2009
In fact, 2009 already started well….I have good music contacts…my youtube experience is going to the next level(when this is confirmed I will make a post for sure!!!)and in some inspirational moments (should I call them thunders of light?) on the first week of 2009, I came up with a lot of ideas for new videos and new songs.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The first post of my second-ever blog
I soon didn't have much to write on it,I think I had the wrong approach on the whole blog thig, I could not be spontaneous and really write whatever was going through my head, I was trying to find interesting things to write although now I think that everything that we live or write can be interesting really.And if it is spontaneous,it has a big value.
There is a huge value out there in the world,that few still own,and it is called SPONTANEITY.
Once I was much more spontaneous than I am now,let's say until I was 18 I could really say everything that was going through my head,not for braveness but really for some naivity.Without being mean.But I met people that really disliked me and misunderstood me for this somehow,quality.I think 60% of my classmates got angry with me at some point or another because I was speaking my mind. Many people don't like that you tell them the truth.They prefer comfortable lies.I found out this.
Nowadays I still cannot lie,I still cannot say comfortable lies.So what I do is,that I keep my mouth shut,and tell what I think,for real,only when I know someone well enough,or when this person opened up with me a lot of times.
I think I suffered of this quite a lot back when I was younger. Not being able to be oneself,because if you tell what you think you are blamed for it.Because what you said was not so nice according to them.And you are not anymore a child,so you have no excuses.
I still don't act like an adult.And now I immediately notice the people that are spontaneous.I recognize them and cherish them as rare and precious.