So while i update you with the things of life,you will have images from my daily Berlin experience.
Last week i was at a few events of the #BerlinFashionweek and it was flamboyant, inspiring and very worth it! Here for example is images i took with my mobile at the Sameheads event in Neukolln,
\⁄⁄\⁄⁄ indowlicker # 10: "London Street & Italian Meat" - Berlin Fashion Week Special

A huge package of candies that even Willy Wonka would want to hang on his ceiling the same way>>>
Then going down in the basement..
the old underground/cellar of a building....
Several rooms open up, like little grotto's carved in the rocks..we find re-purposed and repainted tv-sets ....
And an amazing village made with dolls and other items....such a kitsch but beautiful creation!

And a poetry performance by artists from Rome and Albania,
Acchiappashpirt - *Live Noise concert

And that's all for this week in pictures.
I am lately trying to practice more social media skills and hey! I have even joined instagram...check that out:
And i have 3 concerts scheduled for the next period, one this coming Thursday here.....
and on February 13th @Hotel Pfefferbett and on June 6th @ Arcanoa
I was in the recording studio several days since the beginning of January, recording my latest 4 Italian songs and I want to tell you...some videos are coming in the next few weeks.....
And last but not least...this week end I have moved to a new place, more central in the Kreuzberg area and Ich freue mich as the Germans say, " I am happy about it".