Sunday, May 20, 2012

My week of discoveries

I started a new morning start my day with a laughing meditation....and I mean I read this blog and this other blog

Discovered some Dutchness since i live in Amsterdam, the voice of Ilse DeLange i recognize a similar sound to mine :-)
How did I know that this sign was from Sidney,Australia? I don't know how I knew...but I would love to see it myself or does anyone reading my blog knows where this sign is located? can pinpoint on google maps please?
I'm so intrigued by this thing. I was just reading this blog and they had the post about this sign....

Study by a University of Chicago on percentage of believers of God per country and the history of the fluctuation in the last century, interesting percentages.But where do we go from there? 

Celestine Chua is awesome,as her blog on self development.
This post she wrote on 101 things to ask yourself every day always manage to bring me back to the present. I really find it hard to be present every day.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bands listened this week

For my radio show on Radio cicada, I am always looking for new talents from South Europe, so I'm always listening to lot of new and unsigned music...from everywhere !Here my best source is twitter
This week I listened to
Dr. Trikinosis, electronic music from Spain succested to me by the blog Weloveyoursongs
Jazz Callner,and some interesting african inspired melodies
The Kiteman Orchestra thanks to the Dutch radio 3fm, I am sure those guys rock live!
Irish  band Rezlow and melanchony

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unsigned bands played so far....emergenti italiani e non

In English:

I have not been good,so far, to update here on the activities and promotions of the new incredible artists that I have been doing for the past 5 months through Radio Cicada.
( To listen to us/to old episodes go to this post to find out how)

A weekly review and careful listening of lots of bands from Italy, Spain, Portugal,Greece, Albania,Bosnia,Montenegro and Serbia.
I am therefore starting this week to list all the bands and fantastic musicians we discover and promote!
From January to April 2012 we therefore played:

Sir Giant
Quinto Imperio  
La La Love you
Stormy Mondays
Jorge Otero
Luis Antero
Emanuel Casimiro
Giordano Maselli
Professional Sinnerz
Apostolis Armagos
Fent Tard
Kostika Collaku
Cristina Branco
Nikos Ordoulidis
Raul Gonzalo
Sarao Latino
Chema Lara
Nikoh e.s.
La Blanche Alchimie
Chiara Ragnini
Beppe Gambetta
Dimitris Manolias
Jovana Nikolic
Luciano Martella

If any of you band/songwriters are there reading this post and I forgot the link to your website, send me a message and I will update this post with it :-)

Radio Cicada has a blog and we transmit on air every Thursday and Sunday evening on Salto FM,which can be listened to, on the internet as well.

In Italiano:

Sono stata molto disorganizzata( lo ammetto!) nel parlare della mia attivita' di promotrice di band emergenti e di presentatrice radio ma da questo mese cerchero' di aggiornare regolarmente quello che sara' in rotazione su Radio Cicada.
Le nostre trasmissioni sono su Salto FM, canale radio e tv locale di Amsterdam, che possono essere anche ascoltate su internet, se andate a questo post, ci sono tutte le istruzioni. E' possibile riascoltare e scaricare tutti gli episodi degli ultimi mesi.

Ecco quindi una lista di tutte le band che abbiamo passato da Gennaio ad Aprile 2012:

Sir Giant
Quinto Imperio  
La La Love you
Stormy Mondays
Jorge Otero
Luis Antero
Emanuel Casimiro
Giordano Maselli
Professional Sinnerz
Apostolis Armagos
Fent Tard
Kostika Collaku
Cristina Branco
Nikos Ordoulidis
Raul Gonzalo
Sarao Latino
Chema Lara
Nikoh e.s.
La Blanche Alchimie
Chiara Ragnini
Beppe Gambetta
Dimitris Manolias
Jovana Nikolic
Luciano Martella

Cerchero' dalla prossima settimana di scrivere un post mensile/settimanale....( non riesco a trovare il tempo di farlo...)
Se voi bands/cantautori avete letto questo post e ho dimenticato il link al vostro sito,scrivetemi e lo aggiungero' al post appena posso!

Siamo in diretta su radio Cicada la domenica e il giovedi sera