Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jamming Jamming

Lately I have been participating in many jams in Amsterdam enjoying the exploration of vocal improvisation and i loved it!
So many ideas have been rumbling in my head since and many things are going on...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Airplay Radio Cicada FM in Amsterdam

Every Thursday night from 9 to 10 pm on radio cicada FM, I promote art,news and artists from Southern Europe,
therefore I am happy to receive news/newsletters/info and above all demos from unsigned bands from Southern Europe.
You can send your material to and I will reply to each email!

How to listen to the radio show:
If you live in the Amsterdam region: tune in on 106.8 FM
Online: go to>;  click on> radio choose>stads fm  and click on this button >

How to download/stream an old radio show:
go to >  click on>
then click on >stads fm on demand and choose the date and time of the show :Thursdays at 9pm

 In Italiano:
Ogni giovedi sera dalle 9 alle 10 su radio cicada FM, promuovo arte,notizie e artisti provenienti dalla regione mediterranea,
ragion per cui ricevo sempre con piacere suggerimenti,demo,notizie da band emergenti.
Potete mandare il vostro materiale a rispondo ad ogni email!

Come ascoltare il programma radio:
Se abiti nella regione di Amsterdam: sintonizzati su 106.8 FM
vai su > clicca su> radio scegli>stads fm e clicca il bottone >

Come scarica/ascoltare in streaming le puntate precedenti:
vai su > clicca su >stads fm on demand e scegli la data e l'ora del programma : tutti i giovedi alle 21

Buon Ascolto!

AND 2012!

2012 has come bringing ideas,
words of wisdom that I find around the globe and that will be of use to so many other people,
loving to listen to new music from South of Europe for this idea 
that takes place in Amsterdam.
But then there are also the creative ideas that are born on the internet and that bring to FREE MP3 to download thanks to this idea
and also this idea.
Are you hungry for more?
found this image btw