Saturday, February 27, 2010

Maybe one day...

Dreaming of wind in the hair while riding new waves...silent nights sleeping with the sea and deep evenings lulled by the sundown.
Thousands of stars for a ceiling...
One day. One day.
Just like my last name says.

Un giorno.Un giorno.Cosi come dice il mio cognome.
Sogni di sere in cui il soffitto sono le stelle. E di notti passate insieme al mare e al vento del mare.
Un giorno...

Friday, February 26, 2010

New song, finished today on

Glad to welcome a new song in my repertoire..
To BE downloaded for free!

Lyrics here:

It is difficult to talk to you   E’ difficile parlarti
And to explain to you           poi ancora di piu’ spiegarti
About these feelings                        di questi sentimenti
My numerous events                        I miei numerosi eventi
My story does not matter            La mia storia non ha piu’
Anymore                                     alcuna importanza


Everything around me is breathing                        Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours              e si mescola di colore
and light                                                            e di luce                                                                       
Everything around you  is breathing            Tutto intorno a te respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours              e si mescola di colore
and light                                                            e di luce

What did we ever think we understood            Che cosa abbiamo mai creduto
About living?                                                            Di capire del vissuto
Its nuances were always there                        Le sfumature erano sempre li
For us to see them                                                perche’ le vedessimo


Everything around me is breathing                        Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours              e si mescola di colore
and light                                                            e di luce                                                                       
Everything around me is breathing                        Tutto intorno a me respira
And it mixes and mingles with colours              e si mescola di colore
and light                                                            e di luce

My story does not matter            La mia storia non ha piu’
Anymore                                     alcuna importanza
The body is only a structure                        Il corpo solo una strutture
To protect the soul                                    per proteggere l’ anima
At the end you can even                        I dolori sono poi
Stand the pains                                    sopportabili oramai
… with colours and light                        ..di colore e di luce

Sharing beauty for the soul, a favourite of mine since I was 12 years old

This song. I used to listen to this music from the Native Americans a lot when I was a teenager. I really felt a connection. No there was no Britney Spears or Madonna for me, but this music.I loved it, it transcended my everyday life.It made me feel like a free eagle in the sky.
Look at the images and then listen only to the music,can´t you feel a connection?

Ascoltavo questa canzone quando avevo 12 anni, non Britney Spears o Madonna, ma queste musiche degli indiani d´America. Guarda le immagini, poi chiudi gli occhi e ascolta...non ti senti come un´aquila che sorvola immensi spazi?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Legends of the others...

Source at the bottom

I was browsing the net, listening to podcasts and getting new ideas from twitter and blog
and I stubled on this....
the question is
tell us a quote of something related to your ancestors
the replies are amazing and interesting,
some are:

Kristina says:
The Polish side of my family buried all of their wealth before fleeing Poland. The older generations say that they were *very* wealthy and always thought that they’d return to find it…except no one knows where this supposed treasure trove is. My Mom and I always say that she’s a princess and I’m a princess-in-waiting because we clearly come from royalty and if we could only find that loot….
I also like to think about someone buying whatever property my family use to have and digging a hole for a garden or pond or something and finding a stash of jewels.

When I was a teen in the 1970s I learned my family had a tenuous connection to the Salem Witch Trials. I leaped on that bit of information and told people I was descendant from a witch, not really taking into consideration the horror of those trials, or the fact that innocent people died because of such stupidity. Many years later I learned that the distant relative was Ann Putnum, one of the young girls who started the hysteria (she would later express remorse for her part in the trials). I had long since stopped commenting about the witch in my family, and I never did trace the accuracy of the lineage, but I did feel pains of sorrow for my previous ignorance and boasting.

Jennifer S. says:
My father is fond of telling me about the black sheep of our family, somewhere back in the line who wrote and published a version of the Bible, which was deemed by the English King at the time (I have my suspicions as to which one) to be blasphemous and subsequently banned. Apparently there’s a copy left in a museum somewhere in Europe. And so I am able to trace my creative writing genes…

Girando per internet, mentre ascolto dei podcast e cerco ispirazione dai blog ho trovato questo post, interessante,
qui la domanda 'e # quale frase ti ricordi essere riferita ai tuoi predecessori?#
alcune delle storie sono incredibili.


Friday, February 19, 2010

GIVEAWAY at my blog

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010


Hi everyone,

I have a lovely item that was given to me as a gift and unfortunately does not fit me.I am happy to give it away as a present to someone. The winner will be chosen the days after March 15th, so you all have time until March 15th to participate.
This ring is hand crafted, in shades of bronze,gold and silver.
Absolutely stunning and precious.

The rules for accumulating points are:

Compulsory and basic entry:
go to my page and register for the newsletter
Extra points:
Become a follower of my blog   1 point
Become a friend on myspace  and send a message about my website to your friends
1 point ( must provide link)
Become a follower on twitter and twitt about this competition  1 point ( must provide link)
30 points   go to the website   register  then go to and click on FUND this artist, become a supporter of my debut album
( must provide username of sellaband as a proof)

GOOD LUCK to you all!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I am a big supporter of not throwing everything away,but keeping them or exchanging them with other people.

I will post this week pictures of my latest finds on flea markets, buy for much much less things that people would throw away but that you need!

Sono una grande sostenitrice del riuso e recupero e del non buttar via nulla.Adoro fare giri ai mercati delle pulci, mettero' presto delle foto degli ultimi affari fatti.