Saturday, October 31, 2009

Neuro, an art exhibition I really enjoyed

Neuro is a Romanian artist, boyfriend of a friend of a friend who exhibited his works about one month ago near Bella Center in Copenhagen. That's when I went to the opening of the art gallery with some friends and discovered his works.

I think there are so many interesting signs and stories behing the concept of these series of paintings. I spoke with the guy during the art exhibition and I got them all right.
A sensitive person and artist in this case can feel certain things that are just beneath the layer of reality as we see it.

Some hints for you: cockroaches were a symbol of re-birth for the ancient Egyptians
These characters look the same, standing up inside a coackroach, eyes closed, masks on their face, on one hand a staff on the other a rounded object.
Closed eyes maybe because the person still has to wake up or on the other way has been put to sleep, or does not dare to open the eyes.
Or another explanation that I had was that the eyes could have revealed too much of what those characters are and so the painter did not want to show that too much. The eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul, and maybe in these characters do not have a soul.

The eyes repeated again and again can remind once again of Egyptian eyes, framed inside triangles, but also of the massonic symbol of control.
I liked the concept of suits and masks that have to do with the christian church, the symbol of the cross is everywhere and at the same time the character dressed in white really seems like a POPE,the dress looks similar to the one of a pope, who by the way also holds a STAFF and you can see what I am talking about in this picture, doesn't it look like a disturbing image of the PONTIFF?That was immediately my impression. And the author confirmed I was kind of right!

N.E.U.R.O. has a blog:

GO watch more of his works.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Playing at my friend birthday party

I learnt how to say #beer# and #cheers# in Polish!!!
Had a few shots of delicious vodka and then performed live in a very nice atmosphere at the University collegium Bar in Copenhagen South!
We met a guy who has a band of reggae called # The Munchies# in portuguese...he makes songs half in Danish and half in Portuguese!

Ho suonato al compleanno di una mia amica nel bar dello studentato nel sud di Copenhagen. Qualche vodka, ho imparato a dire #birra# e #cin cin# in polacco e poi abbiamo suonato in una bella atmosfera, quelle sopra le foto!